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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CAttachNodeAn AttachNode represents the physical connection between a Part and its parent Part.
 CAvailablePartAn AvailablePart object contains the summary information about a single type of part which is shown in the editor.
 CBaseActionA BaseAction object is the basic action object. There is one of these automatically created for each 'KSPAction' field in a partModule
 CCelestialBodyThe Sun, the planets, and the moons are all CelestialBodies.
 CConfigNodeA ConfigNode represents a collection of data that can be serialized to or deserialized from a file. A ConfigNode contains a set of values, and optionally one or more ConfigNodes, so they can be used recursively.
 CGameEvents.ContractGame events related to contract status changes; the contract in question is returned as EventData for most events
 CDiscoverableObjectsUtilStatic methods used by asteroids
 CDiscoveryInfoRepresents the "remote sensing" information available for an IDiscoverable
 CEventData< T >A type used to generate GameEvents
 CEventData< T, U >A type used to generate GameEvents
 CEventData< T, U, V >A type used to generate GameEvents
 CEventReportA type frequently used as a parameter in GameEvents
 CEventVoidA type used to generate GameEvents
 CGameEvents.ExplosionReactionUsed by onPartExplode
 CKSP.IO.FileInfoA surrogate for System.IO.FileInfo.
 CFlightCtrlStateA FlightCtrlState is a snapshot of the state of all control inputs to a vessel at a given instant in time. See FlightInputHandler.state and Vessel.OnFlyByWire.
 CFloatCurveRepresents a function of one variable. The function is interpolated from a given set of points, and optionally the tangents at those points can be specified.
 CGameEvents.FromToAction< A, B >Two objects; of the same type in all stock uses
 CGameEventsGameEvents are EventData or EventVoid methods called when certain conditions are met
 CGameEvents.HostedFromToAction< A, B >Two potentially different object types; the From/To object (B) returns two values, generally the old and new
 CGameEvents.HostTargetAction< A, B >Two objects of the same or different type; used generally in a manner similar to FromToAction
 CIDiscoverableMethods allowing information for celestial bodies or ships to be hidden at game start
 CInputLockManagerThis class lets you lock the player out of certain controls. It's probably what KSP uses internally to lock controls during time warp, or when out of electric charge.
 CKSP.IO.IOUtilsHas some useful little tools and utilities.
 CIScienceDataContainerInterface used by ModuleScienceExperiment and ModuleScienceContainer. Used for storing, transfering and transmitting Science Data.
 CKerbalFSMA finite state machine. States are represented by KFSMState objects, and "events" (transitions between states) are represented by KFSMEvent objects.
 CKFSMEventA KFSMEvent represents a possible transition between two KFSMStates in a KerbalFSM finite state machine.
 CKFSMStateRepresents a state in a KerbalFSM finite state machine.
 CList< BaseAction >
 CManeuverNodeRepresents a maneuver node.
 CKSP.IO.MemoryStreamUseful for manipulating bytes in memory.
 CPartResourceDefinitionA PartResourceDefinition contains the basic information defining a type of resource.
 CKSP.IO.PluginConfigNodeA node full of configuration values.
 CKSP.IO.PluginConfigurationFrom N3X15: PluginConfiguration was something I threw together a while ago to try and improve settings serialization. The INI files we were using just couldn't cope with newlines and had all sorts of horrible workarounds. Instead of INI files, it writes structured XML files that look like this:
 CModuleEngines.PropellantA class that represents the resource requirements of an engine.
 CScienceDataClass containing information on science reports, stored in the persistent file in modules using IScienceDataContainer.
 CScienceExperimentClass containing information from the experiment stored in the ScienceDefs file.
 CScienceSubjectClass containing information on a specific science result, data stored in the persistent file under the R&D node.
 CScreenMessageA class representing temporary messages posted to the screen. Don't use this class, use the static methods in ScreenMessages instead.
 CVector3dA Vector3d in 3D space. Vector3d is just like Unity's Vector3 class, except it uses doubles instead of floats, so refer to the Unity documentation on Vector3. Vector3d also adds a few functions.
 CVesselA Vessel object represents a single vessel. Parts that break off from a vessel become their own Vessels. Vessels that merge via docking become one Vessel.
 CGameEvents.VesselSituationGame events related to vessel situation changes; mostly related to progress tracking
 CGameEvents.VesselSpawnInfoUsed by onGUILaunchScreenSpawn