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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CApplicationLauncherThe application launcher is the set of buttons that appear in the upper right, including for example the resource tab. You can add your own buttons to this toolbar
 CAtmosphericEngineThe old, deprecated class that implemented jet engine parts before PartModules. Use an appropriately configured ModuleEngines instead of this class.
 CAttachNodeAn AttachNode represents the physical connection between a Part and its parent Part.
 CAvailablePartAn AvailablePart object contains the summary information about a single type of part which is shown in the editor.
 CBaseActionA BaseAction object is the basic action object. There is one of these automatically created for each 'KSPAction' field in a partModule
 CBaseActionListA BaseActionList is an object to manipulate actions.
 CCelestialBodyThe Sun, the planets, and the moons are all CelestialBodies.
 CConfigNodeA ConfigNode represents a collection of data that can be serialized to or deserialized from a file. A ConfigNode contains a set of values, and optionally one or more ConfigNodes, so they can be used recursively.
 CDecouplerThe old, deprecated class that used to be used to implement decouplers before PartModules. Use ModuleDecouple or ModuleAnchoredDecoupler instead.
 CDecouplerGUIAn old, deprecated class that used to be used to implement decouplers before PartModules. Use ModuleDecouple or ModuleAnchoredDecoupler instead.
 CDiscoverableObjectsUtilStatic methods used by asteroids
 CDiscoveryInfoRepresents the "remote sensing" information available for an IDiscoverable
 CDockingPortAn unused class; use ModuleDockingNode instead.
 CEditorLogicThis class has information about what is going on in the editor. In particular see SortedShipList.
 CEventData< T >A type used to generate GameEvents
 CEventData< T, U >A type used to generate GameEvents
 CEventData< T, U, V >A type used to generate GameEvents
 CEventReportA type frequently used as a parameter in GameEvents
 CEventVoidA type used to generate GameEvents
 CFlightCameraThis class is related to control of the main camera used in the flight scene. Its transform is the parent of the actual Camera objects.
 CFlightCtrlStateA FlightCtrlState is a snapshot of the state of all control inputs to a vessel at a given instant in time. See FlightInputHandler.state and Vessel.OnFlyByWire.
 CFlightGlobalsFlightGlobals contains lists of all CelestialBodies and Vessels in the game. It also provides static utility functions for computing the atmospheric and gravitational properties of CelestialBodies.
 CFlightInputHandlerFlightInputHandler stores some global information about the control of the current active vessel.
 CFloatCurveRepresents a function of one variable. The function is interpolated from a given set of points, and optionally the tangents at those points can be specified.
 CFuelLineStock fuel lines are not yet PartModules, but are implemented through this class.
 CFuelTankThe old, deprecated class that implemented fuel tanks before the resource system. Don't use this class: to allow a part to store a resource add a RESOURCE block to the part.cfg.
 CFuelTankGUIAn unused class.
 CGameEventsGameEvents are EventData or EventVoid methods called when certain conditions are met
 CContractGame events related to contract status changes; the contract in question is returned as EventData for most events
 CExplosionReactionUsed by onPartExplode
 CFromToAction< A, B >Two objects; of the same type in all stock uses
 CHostedFromToAction< A, B >Two potentially different object types; the From/To object (B) returns two values, generally the old and new
 CHostTargetAction< A, B >Two objects of the same or different type; used generally in a manner similar to FromToAction
 CVesselSituationGame events related to vessel situation changes; mostly related to progress tracking
 CVesselSpawnInfoUsed by onGUILaunchScreenSpawn
 CGamePersistenceContains some functions you can call to save the game state to a persistence file, or load the game state from a persistence file.
 CHighLogicThis class stores some very high-level information about the current game state.
 CIDiscoverableMethods allowing information for celestial bodies or ships to be hidden at game start
 CInputLockManagerThis class lets you lock the player out of certain controls. It's probably what KSP uses internally to lock controls during time warp, or when out of electric charge.
 CIScienceDataContainerInterface used by ModuleScienceExperiment and ModuleScienceContainer. Used for storing, transfering and transmitting Science Data.
 CKerbalEVAKerbals on EVA are represented as vessels with a single part. That part contains a KerbalEVA PartModule.
 CKerbalFSMA finite state machine. States are represented by KFSMState objects, and "events" (transitions between states) are represented by KFSMEvent objects.
 CKerbalInstructorA KerbalInstructor object controls the animated image of a kerbal instructor in a TutorialScenario. KerbalInstructors come with a stock emote animations that you can trigger by calling the appropriate functions.
 CKFSMEventA KFSMEvent represents a possible transition between two KFSMStates in a KerbalFSM finite state machine.
 CKFSMStateRepresents a state in a KerbalFSM finite state machine.
 CKrakensbaneThe physics simulation has problems if vessels move too fast relative to the underlying reference frame used by the simulation, or get too far from the origin of the coordinate system. Krakensbane shifts the reference frame origin and velocity so that the active vessel is always near the origin of, and moving slowly with respect to, the underlying coordinate system used by the physics simulation.
 CKSPActionApply this attribute to a function to allow it to be called via action groups.
 CKSPAddonApply this attribute to a class that derives from MonoBehaviour to have KSP automatically start up your addon at a specified time.
 CKSPAssemblyThis attribute and the KSPAssemblyDependency attribute can be used to ensure that plugin assemblies are loaded in the right order.
 CKSPAssemblyDependencyThis attribute and the KSPAssembly attribute can be used to ensure that plugin assemblies are loaded in the right order.
 CKSPEventApply this attribute to a function in a PartModule to make it callable by the player via the right click menu of the part, or from other plugin code via Part.SendEvent.
 CKSPFieldApply this attribute to a field in a PartModule or ScenarioModule to make the field get automatically initialized from the cfg file, and optionally persistent. See
 CKSPScenarioLike KSPAddon, but for ScenarioModules. Apply this attribute to your subclass of ScenarioModule and KSP will add it to the game at the right time.
 CManeuverNodeRepresents a maneuver node.
 CMapViewThis class stores some global information related to the map view.
 CModuleAsteroidKey module in PART[PotatoRoid]
 CModuleEnginesA PartModule that can be configured to behave like many different kinds of engines. All stock propulsion systems except for RCS are implemented through ModuleEngines.
 CPropellantA class that represents the resource requirements of an engine.
 CModuleScienceExperimentPart module for initiating and describing science experiments.
 CPartEach part on a vessel is represented by a Part object. Plugins can add new functionality to parts by defining new PartModules, which can then be added to Parts. It is also possible to define new subclasses of Part, but this is deprecated in favor of PartModules.
 CPartModuleExtending PartModule lets you add new functionality to parts. The main class of many plugins will be a subclass of PartModule. See this forum thread for the official instructions on using PartModule:
 CPartResourceA PartResource object represents the store of a single type of resource within a Part.
 CPartResourceDefinitionA PartResourceDefinition contains the basic information defining a type of resource.
 CPartResourceLibraryThe PartResourceLibrary lets you retrieve information about a resource type, given its name or integer id.
 CPAsteroidStores information on an asteroid's shape
 CPatchedConicSolverEach vessel has a PatchedConicSolver, which stores the predicted patched conics trajectory and any maneuver nodes that currently exist.
 CPlanetariumProbably the most useful function here is Planetarium.GetUniversalTime().
 CPlanetariumCameraA class related to the map view camera.
 CProceduralAsteroidGenerates an asteroid shape
 CPSystemManagerA class for managing planetary systems. Ask the Kopernicus guys/look at their code for details.
 CScaledSpaceA class that handles the transformations between the scaled-down coordinate system used by the map view and the regular coordinate system used by the main flight view and the physics.
 CScenarioDiscoverableObjectsStores information on asteroid spawning
 CScienceDataClass containing information on science reports, stored in the persistent file in modules using IScienceDataContainer.
 CScienceExperimentClass containing information from the experiment stored in the ScienceDefs file.
 CScienceSubjectClass containing information on a specific science result, data stored in the persistent file under the R&D node.
 CScreenMessageA class representing temporary messages posted to the screen. Don't use this class, use the static methods in ScreenMessages instead.
 CScreenMessagesA class that lets you post temporary messages to the screen. If you use this class your messages will automatically have the same style as regular in-game messages.
 CTimeWarpThe class that handles time warp.
 CTutorialScenarioA TutorialScenario is a ScenarioModule with some added features that are useful for building tutorials or similar kinds of scenarios. A TutorialScenario comes with a builtin in finite state machine for running the scenario and displays "tutorial pages" in a GUI window alongside a picture of a friendly Kerbal instructor. You can take advantage of all these features by making your ScenarioModule a subclass of TutorialScenario
 CTutorialFSMThe TutorialFSM provides a convient interface for implementing the meat of your scenario logic through a finite state machine. The states of the state machine are "pages."
 CTutorialPageTutorialPages are the states in the TutorialFSM finite state machine. They extend the KFSMState class, which represents a class in a more general finite state machine, to add tutorial-related features like a Callback in which you draw the GUI of the tutorial page
 CVector3dA Vector3d in 3D space. Vector3d is just like Unity's Vector3 class, except it uses doubles instead of floats, so refer to the Unity documentation on Vector3. Vector3d also adds a few functions.
 CVesselA Vessel object represents a single vessel. Parts that break off from a vessel become their own Vessels. Vessels that merge via docking become one Vessel.